Do not pay any amount to any person or organization promising supply of blood packets or arranging blood donors :: You can donate blood after 14 days of your any or each dose of covid 19 vaccination in india if you are eligible as per the blood donation criteria.

13th Anniversary year (2012- 2025), Thank you for being our beloved donor for saving lives by sharing your life blood.

Our Mission is to spread awareness among the people to donate blood and to make each person a voluntary blood donor; thereby, fulfilling every blood request.

Our Vision is to build up a better and safer tomorrow.

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Proudly supported by

Wedmake Digital Wedding Link

What is Voluntary Blood Donation ?

A person donates blood, not for money or other rewards, then it is known as voluntary blood donation. Voluntary blood donors are considered as the source of safe blood as they have a low chance of transmissible infections like HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Malaria, and Syphilis.

We promote only voluntary blood donation. Join with us to donate blood to save lives.

What is Platelet Donation ?

Platelet donation is the process of giving platelets, a component of the blood. The platelet is selectively extracted from the donor blood through a cell separator. The rest of the blood is then transfused back to the donor. The donation can take around 60 to 90 minutes. Less than 10% of your platelet is only taken through the platelet donation. The donated platelets will be replaced within 24 to 48 hours.

Do you know, platelet has a shelf life of five days only.

Recent Blood Requests

Request closed

B+ve Blood required at medical college hospital, Kottayam

Requested by sajini

2 unit B+ve blood needed at medical college hospital Kottayam on or before 2025-02-16. willing donors please contact bystander jessy  

Request closed

O-ve Blood required at lifeline super speciality hospital, Pathanamthitta

Requested by sekhar g thampi

3 unit O-ve blood needed at lifeline super speciality hospital Pathanamthitta on or before 2025-02-05. willing donors please contact bystander sreekumar  

Request closed

O+ve Blood required at nims hospital, Thiruvananthapuram

Requested by sivasankar

2 unit O+ve blood needed at nims hospital Thiruvananthapuram on or before 2025-02-05. willing donors please contact bystander mohanan  

Request closed

AB+ve Blood required at medical college idukki, Idukki

Requested by sajini

2 unit AB+ve blood needed at medical college idukki Idukki on or before 2025-02-03. willing donors please contact bystander aneesh  

Request closed

Any Group Blood required at medical college hospital, Thiruvananthapuram

Requested by roy p

28 unit Any Group blood needed at medical college hospital Thiruvananthapuram on or before 2025-01-30. willing donors please contact bystander madhu  

Request closed

A+ve Blood required at medical college hospital, Kottayam

Requested by sajini

2 unit A+ve blood needed at medical college hospital Kottayam on or before 2025-01-28. willing donors please contact bystander shaji  

Request closed

A+ve Blood required at regional cancer centre, Thiruvananthapuram

Requested by francis xavier

2 unit A+ve blood needed at regional cancer centre Thiruvananthapuram on or before 2025-01-24. willing donors please contact bystander xavier  

Request closed

Any Group Blood required at lakeshore hospital & research centre ltd, Ernakulam

Requested by raj nair

3 unit Any Group blood needed at lakeshore hospital & research centre ltd Ernakulam on or before 2025-01-22. willing donors please contact bystander susheela narayanan  

Request closed

O-ve Blood required at sree uthradam thirunal hospital, Thiruvananthapuram

Requested by binu c nair

2 unit O-ve blood needed at sree uthradam thirunal hospital Thiruvananthapuram on or before 2025-01-20. willing donors please contact bystander sangeetha  

How to use Kerala Bloodnet App

Video by Ratheesh R Menon About Kerala Bloodnet

When can I donate blood after taking the COVID-19 vaccine in Kerala ?

You can donate blood after fourteen days of your first or second dose of covid 19 vaccination in Kerala, if you are eligible as per the regular blood donation criteria.

When can I donate blood after covid positive in Kerala ?

You can donate blood after twenty eight days from the date of a COVID-19 negative result.

How to donate blood in Kerala ?

Make a visit to your nearest Blood Bank and convey your willingness to donate blood.

How to get blood in an emergency situation ?

Contact your nearest Blood Bank and check with the availability of required blood units.

How to contact blood donors in Kerala through Kerala Bloodnet ?

You can contact blood donors in Kerala through the Kerala Bloodnet android application by login into your account and creating a request for blood donors by filling out the blood request form, after the successful creation of the blood request, you can send the details to our coordinator's WhatsApp by clicking the send to coordinator button on your account in Kerala Bloodnet application or website. Then our coordinator will verify your request and try to find the willing blood donors from our Kerala blood donors database if your request is valid. Once we get the willing donors we shall share their contact details with you and your's with them as well.

How to join Kerala Bloodnet to donate blood and platelet ?

You can join us by clicking the Join Now link from the top of this page.

How to find platelet donors ?

You can create a request for platelets on the Kerala Bloodnet app or website through the blood request form. Once we get your valid request for the same we will contact our platelet donors who is registered for donating platelets on our site.

Kerala Bloodnet has any WhatsApp group of Blood Donors?

Over the past few months, many of our blood donors from Kottayam, Trivandrum, Calicut, Ernakulam and other districts asked about the WhatsApp group links. Our answer is Yes, currently, we have WhatsApp group of Blood Donors. Group link : Join WhatsApp group

Kerala Bloodnet has any WhatsApp channel of blood donors

Yes, we have WhatsApp channel for blood donors, you can join by clicking the link here

Which are the rarest Blood Groups in Kerala?

AB Negative (AB-), Bombay Blood Group and PP or P null phenotype Blood Group are rarest in the state of Kerala.

Compatible blood types

O+ blood donor can donate blood to O+, A+, B+, AB+ patients

O+ patients can receive blood from O+, O- blood donors

O- blood donor can donate blood to Everyone

O- patients can receive blood from O- blood donors

A+ blood donor can donate blood to A+ & AB+ patients

A+ patients can receive blood from A+, A-, O+, O-, blood donors

A- blood donor can donate blood to A+, A-, AB+, AB- patients

A- patients can receive blood from A-, O- blood donors

AB+ blood donor can donate blood to AB+ patients

AB+ patients can receive blood from Everyone

AB- blood donor can donate blood to AB+, AB- patients

AB- patients can receive blood from AB-, A-, B-, O- blood donors

B+ blood donor can donate blood to B+, AB+ patients

B+ patients can receive blood from B+, B-, O+, O- blood donors

B- blood donor can donate blood to B+, B-, AB+, AB- patients

B- patients can receive blood from B-, O- blood donors

Bombay group blood donor can donate blood to anyone in the ABO blood groupsystem.

Bombay blood group patients can receive blood from Bombay group blood donors only

Do you have service in Thiruvananthapuram, Kochi, Kozhikode, Thrissur, Malappuram and Kottayam?

Yes, we are one of the centralized Blood help line in kerala to find blood donors inside and near fourteen districts.

Do you have any charges for your service?

No..! Our service is 100% free

About our founder Mr.Basil from vengola, one of the village in ernakulam district. He is a visionary social entrepreneur who pioneered Kerala Bloodnet, a groundbreaking blood donors database. His journey began in 2011, when his father was hospitalized and faced a dire shortage of blood. Witnessing the struggle firsthand, Basil made a resolute decision in the ICU corridors of VPS Lakeshore Hospital to create a solution. Thus, Kerala Bloodnet was born – a testament to Basil's compassion, determination, and innovative spirit.

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